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Memosens CPS11E - Digital pH sensor for standard applications with stable process conditions

Digital pH sensor
Memosens CPS11E

Memosens 2.0 pH electrode for standard applications in process and water & wastewater industries

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Specificaţii pe scurt

  • Measuring range

    Application A
    • pH: 1 to 12
    Application B
    • pH: 0 to 14
    Application F
    • pH: 0 to 10

  • Process temperature

    Application A: –15 to 80 °C (5 to 176 °F)
    Application B: 0 to 135 °C (32 to 275 °F)
    Application F: 0 to 70 °C (32 to 158 °F)

  • Process pressure

    Applications A and B:
    0.8 to 17 bar (11.6 to 246.5 psi) absolute
    Application F:
    0.8 to 7 bar (11.6 to 101.5 psi) absolute

Domeniu de aplicare

Memosens CPS11E is the digital all-rounder for stable processes. It measures reliably even in extreme pH ranges or hazardous areas. Thanks to Memosens 2.0 digital technology, the pH sensor resists moisture and enables lab calibration, increasing process safety and simplifying operation. Its extended storage of calibration and process data provides the perfect basis for predictive maintenance. Designed for a long operating life and low maintenance, Memosens CPS11E offers you best value for money.

  • Long-term monitoring and limit monitoring of processes with stable process conditions:
    - Chemical industry
    - Pulp & paper industry
    - Power plants (e.g. flue gas washers, boiler feed water)
    - Incineration plants

  • Water & wastewater treatment:
    - Drinking water
    - Cooling water
    - Well water
    - Wastewater treatment plants

With ATEX, IECEx, CSA C/US, NEPSI, Japan, INMETRO approvals for use in hazardous areas, zones 0, 1 and 2.


  • IIoT ready: Memosens 2.0 offers extended storage of calibration and process data, enabling better trend identification and providing a future-proof basis for predictive maintenance and enhanced IIoT services.

  • Low operating costs: Lab calibration and quick sensor exchange in the process result in minimized process downtime and longer sensor lifetime.

  • Robust, low maintenance electrode: Long poison diffusion path or optimized ion trap prevent poisoning of the electrode reference. Large, dirt-repellent PTFE junction protects from soiling by the medium.

  • Process glass is suitable for the full pH range and pressure-stable up to 17 bar (246.5 psi) absolute. Optional F-glass allows application in media containing hydrofluoric acid such as etching baths in semiconductor production.

  • Improved optional salt storage ensures reliable measurement in low conductivity applications such as boiler feed water.

  • Maximum process integrity through non-contact, inductive signal transmission.

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