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Our sensor competence center in Waldheim, Germany, develops and manufactures sensors for pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, chlorine, turbidity, ammonium, nitrate, etc. The highlight of production is the manufacture of pH glass sensors.
Experts with fragile material
Production of the glass sensors takes place in the ‘glass shop’, which always provides stable ambient conditions: no draft, constant temperature, stable humidity and low dust load. Here, our glass experts process the glass parts of the sensor, fuse the inner and outer tubes and prepare them for fusing of the pH-sensitive membrane.
Automated bulb blowing achieves the highest quality
The glass shop also houses the fully automatic membrane blowing machine that produces glass bulbs with extremely low deviations in diameter and impedance. The machine guarantees a consistently high quality sensing element while the fully automatic potting and gluing of the sensor’s plug-in head results in the required tightness, pressure resistance and ability to be autoclaved.
By choosing the Liquiline platform, you’re effectively choosing to spend less money on stock holding, save installation time and gain operational safety!
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