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WirelessHART solutions

WirelessHART solutions, cost-efficient integration of moving, changing and remote measuring points

WirelessHART solutions

WirelessHART provides an extremely flexible method of integrating measuring points into monitoring systems. It can be used in systems subject to regular expansion, e.g. well heads, those constantly on the move, as well as on rotating or moving machinery. As the systems are self-organizing, they require a minimum of time to set up, integrate and commission. Endress+Hauser’s adapter concept also allows WirelessHART communication to be quickly added to existing 4 to 20 mA devices.

5 Produse
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Ghid de retragere treptată

Endress+Hauser se angajează să ofere suport pe termen lung pentru toate produsele noastre.

Ne asumăm suportul și serviciul produselor noastre pentru o perioadă de zece ani după notificarea retragerii produsului (până când piesele de schimb nu mai sunt disponibile).

Cu toate acestea, ne rezervăm dreptul de a oferi soluții alternative, inclusiv produse de înlocuire, dacă se consideră mai potrivite.

Status produs

Rădăcina produsului SWG70
Nume WirelessHART Fieldgate SWG70
Status produs In phase out
Data retragerii 12/2022
Oprire comandă 12/2025
Senzor de rezervă până la not applicable
Calibrare până la not applicable
Disponibilitate piese de schimb not applicable
Reparație până la not applicable
Alternativă nouă SWG50
Sfaturi de întreținere

WirelessHART solutions

Our product finder helps you to search for suitable measuring devices, software or system components via product characteristics. Applicator leads you through an individual product selection via application parameters.

Operating principle

A WirelessHART system comprises a gateway, which is connected to the monitoring system, and up to 250 WirelessHART field devices. Endress+Hauser’s adapter allows any HART or
4 to 20 mA device to join the wireless network as do specific device display modules. The instruments transmit their measured values at regular intervals to the gateway, which collects them and makes them available to a connected application. FieldCare device configuration software can be used to configure the network.


  • Rapid and flexible installation
  • Suitable for moving and rotating plant equipment
  • Suitable for changing and mobile installations
  • Bridges obstacles and integrates difficult-to-access measuring points
  • Upgrades legacy technology