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FieldGate SWG50

FieldGate SWG50

Functional WirelessHART gateway

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Domeniu de aplicare

The FieldGate SWG50 is a gateway for WirelessHART networks. It enables WirelessHART field devices to communicate with each other and manages network security and connectivity. The FieldGate converts and stores data from wireless field devices in a format that is compatible with other systems. It has Ethernet interfaces for connecting to host applications such as SCADA tools.

FieldGate is the perfect fit for WirelessHART adapters like the FieldPort SWA50 or SWA70. It can be used for remote monitoring or as a digital second channel by using extended information about measurements and/or diagnostic information. It is compatible with the FieldEdge SGC500 for the integration into Netilion, a cloud-based solution from Endress+Hauser.


  • Easy commissioning and diagnosis of a self-organized WirelessHART network with
    up to 100 WirelessHART devices

  • Ideal for operations with limited space in the cabinet, since it is compact and can
    be mounted on DIN rails

  • Flexible use of FieldGate in the hazardous areas of a plant

  • Seamless integration of field device information into higher-level system
    applications using standardized protocols such as Modbus TCP or HART-IP

Colecție Extended

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FLEX: Extended ©Endress+Hauser
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  • Fiabile, robuste și ușor de întreținut

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  • Extrem de funcțional și convenabil

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  • Conceput pentru aplicatii solicitante

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