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Endress+Hauser is a global leader in measurement instrumentation, services and solutions for industrial process engineering. We provide process solutions for flow, level, pressure, analytics, temperature, recording and digital communications, optimizing processes in terms of economic efficiency, safety & environmental impact. Our customers come from various industries, including chemical, food & beverage, life sciences, power & energy, mining, minerals & metals, oil & gas and water & wastewater.
Endress+Hauser is a global leader in measurement and automation technology for process and laboratory applications.
Net sales of just under 3. 7 billion euros – a strong partner
Almost 17,000 employees worldwide – a reliable employer
Taking our social and environmental responsibilities seriously – a sustainable partner
Continuous annual investments of more than 260 million euros – future-oriented
Over 8,900 patents and patent applications – innovative and creative
Endress+Hauser at a glance
Endress+Hauser at a glance
Meet the ‘People for Process Automation’
Production centers
Production centers
Product centers assure leading position in sensor and measuring technology, system products and IIoT
Related companies
Related companies
Acquisitions reinforce the position of the Endress+Hauser Group and expand our fields of activities.
We are the right partner for our customers to make their processes safe, efficient and environmentally friendly. Read more about our capabilities.
Success stories
Success stories
Learn why our customers choose Endress+Hauser. Check out our latest industry case studies, application notes and white papers.
The power of partnerships
The power of partnerships
At Endress+Hauser we understand the vital role that trust, communication, and collaboration play in successful partnerships for continuous improvement.
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