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Verification service

Gain measurement confidence, reduce downtimes and save costs while meeting compliance requirements

Our certified service technicians provide in-depth verification of process instruments with documented proof of compliance and performance checks to ensure optimal functionality, minimizing downtime and addressing issues promptly, ensuring your instrumentation functions correctly.

verification of measuring instruments ©Endress+Hauser


  • Measurement confidence from rigorous diagnostic testing

  • Reliable and safe operations through instrument verification

  • Documented compliance from fully traceable verification

  • Prevent malfunctions and reduce downtimes

Our offering

We bring proven instrumentation and maintenance knowhow to deliver a comprehensive functional assessment of instrument reliability. This enables you to meet all necessary compliance requirements, reduce unplanned downtime and optimize maintenance costs.

  • Minimize process interruption with inline verification

  • Reduce risk with reliable instrumentation performance in accordance with functional and safety specifications

  • Fulfill regulatory, quality and safety requirements with documented verification reports traceable to international standards

  • Combine verification with calibration for for enhanced device reliability and metrological performance

Request more information about our offering

To request more information, please fill out the form below.

Please let us know as detailed as possible how we can help you. That way we can get back to you with the best possible answer.

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