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The CPY20 buffers are available in various bottle sizes.

pH buffers

Highly precise pH buffers for all industries

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Price on request

Domeniu de aplicare

The high-quality CPY20 buffers guarantee pH calibration to ultimate precision. They are produced and bottled in the production laboratory and tested in the calibration laboratory. These tests are performed with a subsample according to ISO 17025 regulations. The buffers are specified with an expanded measurement uncertainty of +/-0.02 pH (> pH 10: +/- 0.05 pH). The buffers contain only FDA-listed preservatives. Using CPY20 you will achieve correct values that you can rely on.

CPY20 pH buffer solutions are used for calibration and adjustment of pH electrodes in all industries. They are optimized for all routine and high precision sensor adjustments in the process as well as in the lab.

The calibration and adjustment can be conducted with:

  • Memobase Plus CYZ71D software and Memobase Pro

  • All transmitters of the Liquiline series

  • All conventional pH transmitters on the market

For an overview over all available buffers and bottle sizes, select the 'Specifications' tab.


  • The high accuracy and reproducibility of the buffers help you optimize the pH value in your process and maximize the yield and quality of your product.

  • All used preservatives are FDA-listed for highest product safety in FDA-supervised processes.

  • Temperature curves of CPY20 pH buffers are pre-programmed in all Liquiline series transmitters to simplify sensor calibration and adjustment, reducing your maintenance effort.

  • The easily accessible, identical certificates of all CPY20 pH buffers simplify your audit trails and improve the reliability of your SOPs.

  • Detailed, individual buffer analysis certificates are available in the Download Area. Enter your lot number in the "Text Search" field and click the "Start Search" button.

  • Produse simple

  • Ușor de ales, instalat și administrat

Excelenţă tehnică


  • Produse clasice

  • Fiabile, robuste și ușor de întreținut

Excelenţă tehnică


  • Produse superioare

  • Extrem de funcțional și convenabil

Excelenţă tehnică


  • Produse de specialitate

  • Conceput pentru aplicatii solicitante

Excelenţă tehnică



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