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Flowfit CPA25 - Flow assembly  with splash protection cap

Flow assembly
Flowfit CPA25

Universal assembly for the water and wastewater industry and industrial auxiliary processes.

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Specificaţii pe scurt

  • Process temperature

    0 to 80°C
    (32 to 176°F)

  • Process pressure

    max. 6 bar at 20°C
    (87 psi at 68°F)

Domeniu de aplicare

The Flowfit CPA25 flow assembly is designed for the realization of measuring points in water and wastewater treatment and industrial auxiliary processes. It offers space for three sensors and is able to extend their service life by keeping them wet even when the flow is interrupted. The assembly itself is also durable thanks to corrosion-resistant polypropylene. With Flowfit you get the right product exactly for your standard applications.

Flowfit CPA25 can be used in many applications in industrial auxiliary processes as well as in water and wastewater treatment. It is intended to be used in the following applications among others:

  • Drinking water

  • Water and wastewater treatment

  • Water cooling circuits

  • Osmosis plants

It is suitable for use with pressures of up to 6 bar.


  • Compact assembly with three Pg 13.5 sensor slots.

  • Special flow geometry to achieve reliable and stable
    measured values from the installed sensors.

  • Siphon type profile to protect the sensors from drying out
    during plant shutdown.

  • Service cover facilitates cleaning of the sensors and

  • Calibration of the sensors to check they are functioning
    correctly can take place while installed.

Selecţie Lean

  • Produse clasice

  • Fiabile, robuste și ușor de întreținut

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FLEX: Lean ©Endress+Hauser
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