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Endress+Hauser Level+Pressure Japan

Dedicated product center for tank gauging products

The dedicated product center is responsible for research and development and production of instruments for tank gauging and temperature measurement as well as display devices for Inventory Management Solutions.

Find out more about tank gauging systems for the oil & gas industry.

  • Director general

    Kotaro Wariishi

  • Anul înfiinţării


  • Număr de angajaţi

    71 (January 2024)

Close to our customer

  • Research and development as well as the production of equipment for Inventory Management Solutions: servo gauges, float and tape gauges, temperature measurement and comprehensive LNG solution package.

  • Certified to ISO 9001, 14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards

  • Test equipment and references used for all measurements and tests conducted during the production process traceable to national or international standards (PTB, NIST, NIM etc.)

  • Servo gauge calibration test rig complying to OIML Recommendation R85 (2008) accredited by NMi

  • Producţie


  • Endress+Hauser Yamanashi Co. Ltd.

    Endress+Hauser Yamanashi Co. Ltd.

    862-1 Mitsukunugi



    406-0846 Yamanashi, Japonia


    Fact Sheet Endress+Hauser Level+Pressure Japan

    Company Profile