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Optimized diagnostics and maintenance: Smart Support Connect
Wastewater treatment plants are testing the CA80 analyzer with cloud-based support platform
The introduction of the new Smart Support Connect service minimizes manual work and reduces the time and cost of operating and maintaining wet-chemical analyzers for customers in wastewater treatment plants. Within this context, Endress+Hauser is working with various companies in the wastewater sector, for example, the Emschergenossenschaft/Lippenverband (EGLV) wastewater management company in Germany and the Municipality of Kincardine in Canada.
The results
Cost and time savings
Transfer of knowledge
Fault-free operation guaranteed
Endress+Hauser is developing a proactive, web-based servicing and maintenance tool in line with the principles of "Industry 4.0" to minimize the effort associated with maintenance and repair work.
Dirk Desinger, Technical Services business division
wastewater department, Emschergenossenschaft/Lippenverband (EGLV)
More services should go in this direction.
Shamus Anderson
Municipality of Kincardine
Customer challenge
Diagnosing and remedying faults on the analyzer of wastewater treatment plants can be very complex, as many plants are located in rural areas and extensive expertise is often required.
Our solution
As part of a joint «Water management 4.0» project, Endress+Hauser developed a measuring station for sample filtration comprising a CA80PH orthophosphate analyzer and CAT820 sample preparation system. An edge device was used to connect it to the Endress+Hauser Netilion IIoT platform over the mobile network for remote support.
In order to minimize the effort associated with maintenance and repair work, Emschergenossenschaft/Lippenverband (EGLV) in Germany collaborated with Endress+Hauser to install a measuring station for their aeration basin.
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