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Product picture Vanstone thermowell TT511

Barstock thermowell Vanstone design

Metric thermowell for applications in the oil & gas industry

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Specificaţii pe scurt

  • Max. process pressure (static)

    depending on process connection up to 2500 lbs

  • Maximum standard immersion length

    500 mm (19,69")

  • Max. immersion length on request

    500 mm (19,69")

Domeniu de aplicare

It is a specially designed thermowell for thermometer installation. The thermowell shaft and the process connection flange are not interconnected. For installation, the collar of the thermowell is fitted between two flanges; on the one hand it is fitted onto the thermowell and on the other hand it is bolted to the connection nozzle on the process side. Many different flange versions are available to secure the unit to the permanently installed nozzle flange. It is machined from solid bar stock.

The thermowell will be used in applications with high process requirements. The predominant industries are Oil & Gas and Petrochemical. The process connection flange is not welded on the thermowell stem but designed as collar flange. This special Vanstone thermowell design enables a wide variety of applications and is suitable for resistance and thermocouple thermometers.


  • Solid thermowell, made of drilled bar stock material.

  • Fulfillment of various, industry specific requirements with a standard product. Flexible selection of immersion length and thermowell geometry according to the process specifications.

  • In accordance with Shell specification: S.38.113 rev.D and S.38.114 rev.D

  • Exact thermowell stress calculation ensuring safe plant operation.

  • Vanstone design with outstanding cost effectiveness:

    Reuse of the flange if the thermowell has to be replaced, flexible selection of the flange material as well as reduced spare parts and storing concept.

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