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SupplyCare Hosting

Supply chain management
Online software
SupplyCare Hosting

Cloud-based inventory management platform for transparent information within the supply chain

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Domeniu de aplicare

SupplyCare Hosting supports users in collaborative demand planning, event-driven replenishment planning as well as consolidation of geographically distributed inventories. Partners from different entities or companies can be involved to optimize your supply chain. SupplyCare runs on a redundant server infrastructure and is available via web browser. It can be used on desktop and portable computers and is also optimized for tablets and smartphones for use on the go or at site.

  • Monitor material stock in your tanks and silos at your desk or on the go

  • Inventory visualization in tabular, graphical, chart or geographical views

  • Indication and e-mail notifications in case of detecting logistic limits, unauthorized movements or technical events

  • View trends, historical data, tank details and events

  • Manage master data like tanks, locations, customers and products

  • Assign specific user roles and groups of tanks to different stakeholders within or across companies


  • Improves demand planning, lowers your inventories and allows faster reaction to inventory variations within the supply chain

  • Complete solution from inventory measurement and data acquisition to integration in your business processes

  • Enables business models like vendor and supplier managed inventory

  • Complete inventory visibility anywhere and anytime – optimized web application for use on smartphone or tablet

  • IT infrastructure within the Endress+Hauser network with comprehensive service and support worldwide

  • Synchronization of master data (e.g. tanks, products or locations) as well as transmission of measured and calculated values via restful API​

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