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Product picture Raman Rxn-46 probe front view

Raman Rxn-46 probe

Raman interface adapted and optimized to fit the BioPAT® Spectro platform by Sartorius

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Specificaţii pe scurt

  • Laser wavelength

    785 nm

  • Sample interface

    Temperature: probe is non-contact; operating temp: 10 to 50 °C / 50 to 122 °F

Domeniu de aplicare

The union between our Raman analyzers equipped with Rxn-46 bioprocess probe technology and the BioPAT® Spectro platform by Sartorius offers the market an ideal interface to high-throughput development through single-use commercial manufacturing. Our Raman bioprocessing probe technology has been adapted to fit Sartorius’s BioPAT® Spectro platform​, utilizing the same probe design for Ambr® 15, Ambr® 250, & Biostat STR® bioreactors​.

  • Cell culture: glucose, lactate, amino acids, cell density, titer, and more


  • Enables faster, easier, and more robust model building via integration with Ambr® 15 and Ambr® 250

  • Allows high-throughput process development which supports QbD

  • Provides a more efficient transfer to Biostat STR® for single-use manufacturing

  • Offers a scale-independent interface from 15 ml in the laboratory to 2000 L in the production suite

  • Requires no probe cleaning, sterilization, or frequent maintenance due to non-contact sampling

  • Raman spectroscopy - advanced optical analysis technology

    Boost plant safety, ensure product quality, and optimize operations. Raman spectroscopy measures the composition and molecular structure of your samples from lab-to-process in real time.

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