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Product picture: Raman Rxn-40 max probe aiming front down corner full length view

Raman Rxn-40 probe

Designed to promote versatility and materials compatibility

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Specificaţii pe scurt

  • Laser wavelength

    532 nm, 785 nm, 1000 nm

  • Wetted materials

    Metal: C276 alloy, 316L stainless steel, or Grade 2 titanium
    Window: High-purity sapphire

  • Hazardous area certifications


Domeniu de aplicare

The Raman Rxn-40 probe is a sealed immersion probe for in situ Raman spectroscopy of liquid-phase samples in a laboratory or process plant setting. The process connection for the Raman Rxn-40 can be swaged, compression-mounted, flange-mounted, or installed in an Endress+Hauser flow cell, and is NeSSI compatible. These versatile options allow for direct insertion in slip-streams, drain-values, reactors, circulation loops, blend headers, and inlet or outlet pipework.

  • Chemical: reaction monitoring, blending, catalysis, feed and final product monitoring

  • Polymer: polymerization reaction monitoring, extrusion monitoring, polymer blending

  • Oil & Gas: fuel blending, fuel characterization

  • Pharmaceutical: API reaction monitoring, crystallization, polymorph, blending


  • Customizable to your process

  • Robust design with a range of process connections

  • In situ/no transfer lines or fast-loops required

  • Faster, simpler installation

  • Support for a range of chemical processes and corrosivity requirements

  • Ensures safety and meets regulatory requirements

  • Suitable for hazardous/classified environments

  • Raman spectroscopy - advanced optical analysis technology

    Boost plant safety, ensure product quality, and optimize operations. Raman spectroscopy measures the composition and molecular structure of your samples from lab-to-process in real time.

Colecție Extended

  • Produse superioare

  • Extrem de funcțional și convenabil

Excelenţă tehnică


FLEX: Extended ©Endress+Hauser
  • Produse simple

  • Ușor de ales, instalat și administrat

Excelenţă tehnică


  • Produse clasice

  • Fiabile, robuste și ușor de întreținut

Excelenţă tehnică


  • Produse superioare

  • Extrem de funcțional și convenabil

Excelenţă tehnică


  • Produse de specialitate

  • Conceput pentru aplicatii solicitante

Excelenţă tehnică



Colecții FLEX Excelenţă tehnică Simplitate
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Colecție Fundamental

Îndepliniți-vă nevoile esențiale de măsurare

Excelenţă tehnică
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Selecţie Lean

Gestionați-vă cu ușurință procesele de bază

Excelenţă tehnică
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Colecție Extended

Optimizați-vă procesele cu tehnologii inovatoare

Excelenţă tehnică
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Colecție Xpert

Stăpâniţi cele mai dificile aplicaţii

Excelenţă tehnică


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