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ISEmax CAS40D - Sensor with Memosens technology using the ion-selective measuring principle

Digital ammonium and nitrate sensor ISEmax CAS40D

Ion-selective Memosens sensor for the wastewater industry

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Specificaţii pe scurt

  • Measuring range

    0.1 to 1000 mg/l (NH4-N)
    0.1 to 1000 mg/l (NO3-N)
    1 to 1000 mg/l
    1 to 1000 mg/l

  • Process temperature

    2 °C to 40°C (36 to 100 °F)

  • Process pressure

    400 mbar (160 in H2O) max. permitted overpressure

Domeniu de aplicare

ISEmax CAS40D is the right technology for trend measurement directly in the basin. It helps you to increase the efficiency and reduce the energy costs of your aeration processes. The sensor works without reagents saving you even further money. With its robust ion-selective membranes and excellent self-cleaning, it eases your maintenance tasks. Thanks to Memosens, CAS40D combines maximum process and data integrity with best operating comfort and simplifies predictive maintenance.

ISEmax CAS40D measures ammonium, nitrate and pH in municipal wastewater treatment plants:

  • Aeration basins
    - Determination of ammonium and nitrate concentration
    - Control and regulation of ammonium decomposition
    - Load-dependent aeration control for optimization of the treatment process

  • Inlet of aeration basins
    - Determination of ammonium load (pH-compensated)


  • Nitrate and ammonium measured directly without the need for expensive sample conditioning

  • Optional potassium and/or chloride measurement compensates for cross sensitivities and ensures reliable measuring results

  • Low maintenance thanks to automatic flushing unit

  • Installed directly on the basin rim, no measuring container or sample-conveying pump required

  • Easy handling due to storage of sensor-specific data

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