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Volume a. c., volumetric flow a. c., gas velocity, volume s. c. (*), volume flow under s.c. (*) (*) additional function included with integrated volume correction
State-of-the-art technology for maximum measurement accuracy: The new FLOWSIC550 ultrasonic compact gas flowmeter ensures highly accurate billing of low volume flows in high-pressure networks – a perfect complement to the FLOWSIC500. It is overload-proof, accurate and is monitored by an intelligent diagnostics system. FLOWSIC550 can be easily integrated into existing measuring stations. When used in transfer and measuring stations, FLOWSIC550 ensures a continuous and blockage-free gas supply.
Gas Measurement of low volume applications at high pressures
Custody transfer: gas distribution, storage, and transmission systems
Town border stations and city gate stations
Device properties:
Diagnostics and permanent operational self-monitoring
Durable and reliable without moving parts
Compact meter installations
Integrated volume correction
Battery or intrinsically safe power supply
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
Ultimate measurement certainty and safety of continuous gas supply
Simple installation, replacement of turbine gas meters
Reduction of installation costs due to integrated volume correction
Easy Commissioning and data reading via FLOWgateTM (PC and App)
Minimal operating costs due to being nearly maintenance-free
Reliable even when the gas flow fluctuates (on/off applications)
Schluchseewerk AG wanted to record and optimize the efficiency of its turbines at the pumped storage plant in Wehr. Endress+Hauser offers the optimum solution with its ultrasonic clamp-on flowmeter.
GPsol, together with Endress+Hauser, developed a system that individually measures each component of extraction wells and provides as much information as possible about the current flow.
Volume a. c., volumetric flow a. c., gas velocity, volume s. c. (*), volume flow under s.c. (*) (*) additional function included with integrated volume correction
Measuring Medium
Natural gas (dry, odorized)
≤ 0.1 %
Qmin up to 0.1 Qmax ≤ ± 1 %
0.1 Qmax up to Qmax ≤ ± 0.5 % Accuracy class 1; maximum allowed error limits
Qmin up to 0.1 Qmax ≤ ± 2 %
0.1 Qmax up to Qmax ≤ ± 1 % After high pressure flow calibration: ±0.2 % at test pressure; otherwise ±0.5 %
Medium temperature range
-25 °C ... +60 °C Optional: –40 °C ... +70 °C
(–13 °F ... +140 °F Optional: –40 °F ... +158 °F)
Operating pressure range
PN16 (EN 1092-1): 0 bar (g) ... 16 bar (g) / 0 psi(g) ... 232 psi(g)
Class 150 (ASME B16.5): 0 bar (g) ... 20 bar (g) / 0 psi(g) ... 290 psi(g)
Nominal pipe size
DN 50 (2") … DN 150 (6")
Metrological approvals and certificates
MID: 2014/32/EU OIML R 137-1&2:2012 EN 12405: 2010 (for integrated flow conversion)
Hazardous area approvals
IECEx Ex ia [ia] IIC T4 Gb, Ex op is IIC T4 Gb
ATEX II 2G Ex ia [ia] IIC T4 Gb, II 2G Ex op is IIC T4 Gb
NEC/CEC (US/CA) CSA: I.S. for Class 1 Division 1 Groups C and D T4; Ex/AEx ia IIB T4 Ga
Oil and gas – solutions for the oil and gas industry
Versiune în limba engleză - 01/2025
New version available in English
Endress+Hauser offers the best solutions through a huge range of products and systems to measure and perform even under the most
rigorous operating conditions.
Oil and gas – solutions for the oil and gas industry
Soluţii pentru industrie (SO)
Versiune în limba engleză - 01/2025
New version available in English
Endress+Hauser offers the best solutions through a huge range of products and systems to measure and perform even under the most rigorous operating conditions.
Broad range of solutions for gas-fired power plants
Soluţii pentru industrie (SO)
Versiune în limba engleză - 01/2025
New version available in English
With our broad range of solutions Endress+Hauser has proven applicability in the entire power generation process, from gas flow to combustion efficiency to emissions monitoring.
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