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Introduceţi cel puţin 2 caractere pentru a începe căutarea.
Ask our experts at our free process automation online seminars
Our online seminars for process automation topics cover a wide range to meet your needs. Online seminars give you a short, insightful update on relevant process automation topics. At the live online seminars you can ask our experts questions and get your answers directly. Our free online seminar recordings can be watched at your convenience wherever and whenever.
În prezent, nu există seminarii online planificate
Aţi putea fi interesat de alte evenimente ale noastre
Interact with our experts and get answers right away
Convenient access
Access free online seminar recordings at your convenience
Variety of topics
Select from a wide range of topics to suit your needs
Tech Booster
Tech Booster
A video-based self-learning program. A quiz at the end of the learning path tests the acquired knowledge.
Participation is independent of time and place.
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