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Key players in the Food & Beverage industry, including bakeries, dairies and breweries account for a high percentage of total utility usage across the sector.
Endress+Hauser's innovative instrumentation, comprehensive utility management software and robust energy reduction strategies benefit Food & Beverage processors by providing lower operation costs, increasing efficiencies and improving brand perception as they eye achieving their utility savings goals.
Technical article
Energy efficiency starts with energy efficiency experts
In this article, you'll learn about the importance of utility savings in the Food & Beverage industry and how Endress+Hauser can help you optimize energy usage and reduce consumption.
The flowmeter with detection of wet steam conditions, available as compact or remote version. Suitable for a wide range of applications; optimized for steam applications.
Find out more for your energy savings needs
Energy savings solutions eBook for all industries
Many opportunities exist for savings in steam, compressed air, heating, cooling and industrial gases utility networks. Comprehensive energy monitoring can cut energy consumption anywhere from 5-15%.
Conserve valuable resources and optimize utility costs
Efficient production hinges primarily on managing energy consumption and its associated costs. A solution for this challenge requires continuous monitoring, recording, and visualization of values.
The Wernsing Food Family, a German food manufacturer, converts production waste into energy and thus supports the fulfillment of its own ambitious sustainability strategy.
Measure utility efficiency with heating and cooling
Heating and cooling systems are crucial in daily operations. Learn about waste heat recovery (WHR), district heating and cooling, process heating and cooling, saving energy and costs in this utility
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