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CYK10 guarantees absolute water-proof connection of Memosens sensors to the transmitter. Its inductive coupling shows no contact corrosion and guarantees galvanic isolation of transmitter and medium. Simply forget about limited cable length, interfering potentials or moisture and benefit from completely safe and reliable signal transmission.
The Memosens data cable CYK10 is applied in Memosens systems measuring the following parameters:
Dissolved oxygen (amperometric)
Conductive conductivity
Maximum process safety through non-contact, inductive and digital signal transmission: No contact corrosion, absolutely watertight, no interference potential.
Increased availability of the measuring point: Digital data transmission provides an automatic error message if the signal is lost.
More flexibility in plant planning and installation: Cable length up to 100 m is possible.
AVR Waste in Botlek, Rotterdam, processes up to 1.7 million tons of residual waste per year. Discover how they optimized their pH measurement thanks to Endress+Hauser
Discover how Heineken meets all regulations to protect the brazilian environment with the Viomax CAS51D digital nitrate or SAC sensor from Endress+Hauser.
Holiferm produces sustainable biosurfactants using a patented gravity separation fermentation process. The company was seeking a way to automate the measurement of the critical phase separation step.
Memosens pH/ORP
Sicherheitshinweise für elektrische Betriebsmittel im
explosionsgefährdeten Bereich
Safety instructions for electrical apparatus for explosion-hazardous
Conseils de sécurité pour matériels électriques destinés aux zones
Safety Instructions
Instrucţiune de siguranţă Ex (XA)
Versiune în limba engleză - 11/2016
New version available in English
Safety instructions for electrical apparatus for explosion-hazardous areas
Memosens pH/ORP
Sicherheitshinweise für elektrische Betriebsmittel im
explosionsgefährdeten Bereich
Safety instructions for electrical apparatus for explosion-hazardous
Conseils de sécurité pour matériels électriques destinés aux zones
Safety Instructions
Instrucţiune de siguranţă Ex (XA)
Versiune în limba engleză - 02/2016
New version available in English
Safety instructions for electrical apparatus for explosion-hazardous areas
Cablu de măsurare CYK10 Completare la BA00118C Instrucţiuni de siguranţă pentru aparate electrice în zone cu pericol de explozie ATEX II 1G Ex ia IIC T3/T4/T6 Ga IECEx Ex ia IIC T3/T4/T6 Ga
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