Încercaţi să căutaţi în funcţie de cuvinte-cheie, codul produsului sau codul de comandă ori numărul de serie, de exemplu, „CM442” sau „Informaţii tehnice”
Introduceţi cel puţin 2 caractere pentru a începe căutarea.
Face-to-face meeting between industry keynot spekers and participants at a summit


Listen to industry keynote speakers

Industry summits provide an opportunity for us to discuss challenging issues with you in more detail – unlike conferences, trade shows or exhibitions. You will also hear from industry keynote speakers and participate in round table sessions, interactive workshops and formal networking events.

În prezent, nu există summituri planificate

Aţi putea fi interesat de alte evenimente ale noastre


  • Networking chances

    Make use of the extensive networking opportunities

  • In-depth discussions

    Get involved in detailed discussions with experts

  • Interactive workshops

    Immerse yourself in topics at interactive workshops


Keynote speaker at a summit ©Endress+Hauser

Listen to exciting industry keynote speeches and meet us face-to-face at summits.

Discussing challenging issues with our experts at one of our summits. ©Endress+Hauser

Take the opportunity to discuss challenging issues with our experts in more detail at one of our industry summits.