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To meet the challenges of temperature monitoring in such critical processes, a thermowell design has been developed that responds to process changes up to five times faster than standard designs.
The inner temperature of the reactors during the sulfur reaction must be continuously and accurately monitored to prevent plant shutdowns and optimize the energy consumption.
Population growth, water scarcity, and climate change significantly affect water availability. Reused water is the most sustainable source, consuming less energy compared to desalinated sea water.
Garver was able to achieve zero liquid discharge treatment of the cooling tower blowdown by working with reliable partners such as Endress+Hauser and Rockwell Automation.
Daka ecoMotion A/S in Løsning, Denmark, is a business focused on sustainability, using
market-leading technology to produce biodiesel from animal fats and used frying oil.
The Netilion IIoT ecosystem improves the site operations of Sucroliq, a company dedicated to the production and refinement of sugar. Netilion offers more data visibility for the installed assets.
To cut energy consumption in the biological phase of its wastewater treatment plant, the town of Velen bought energy-efficient blowers and integrated the Liquiline Control aeration control system.
Process measurement technology from Endress+Hauser in the new boiler house and energy center at DMK's site Zeven provides reliable process data and thus helps DMK to improve sustainability.
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