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Liquiline System CA80HA - Water hardness analyzer for drinking water, process water

Water hardness analyzer
Liquiline System CA80HA

Colorimetric system for online monitoring of drinking water and process water

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Specificaţii pe scurt

  • Measuring range

    0 to 80 mg/l CaCO3
    0 to 80 mg/l with dilution function to maximum 16 to 1600 mg/l CaCO3

  • Process temperature

    4 to 40 °C (39 to 104 °F)

  • Process pressure


Domeniu de aplicare

Liquiline System CA80HA offers precise online analysis of water hardness in drinking water and process water. It helps you optimize the control of water softening processes such as ion exchange or reverse osmosis and ensures optimal quality of products that are influenced by water hardness. The analyzer's automatic calibration and cleaning and its low reagent consumption reduce operating costs while advanced diagnostics with remote access ensure consistent process safety.

Liquiline System CA80HA supports you in monitoring total water hardness:

  • To optimize reverse osmosis and ion exchanger systems

  • To classify water hardness in drinking water

  • To ensure process water quality in production plants


  • The water hardness analyzer uses the phthalein purple method, ensuring direct comparability to lab results

  • Fast commissioning with plug & play thanks to Memosens technology and user-friendly operation

  • Reduces operating costs thanks to automatic calibration and cleaning, low reagent consumption and long reagent lifetime with optional cooling module

  • Easy upgrade of functionality to a complete measuring station - by adding modules and connecting Memosens sensors.

  • Advanced diagnostics with remote access for increased process safety

  • Easy, tool-free maintenance

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