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Memosens COS81E: Digital optical oxygen sensor for the life sciences and food industries

Digital optical oxygen sensor
Memosens COS81E

Memosens 2.0 hygienic sensor for the life sciences and food industries

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Specificaţii pe scurt

  • Measuring range

    0.004 to 30 mg/l
    0.05 to 330 %SAT
    0.1 to 700 hPa

  • Process temperature

    1 to 140 °C
    (32 to 284 °F)

  • Process pressure

    0.02 to 13 bar abs
    (0 to 190 psi)

Domeniu de aplicare

Memosens COS81E is the ideal optical oxygen sensor for hygienic applications. Its well-tuned measuring system prevents ageing of the optical spot and offers precise, long-term stable measurements for high product quality. Thanks to its approvals for hazardous and dust-explosive areas, COS81E is perfectly suited for inertization applications. With Memosens 2.0 digital technology, COS81E offers extended data storage providing the perfect basis for predictive maintenance and efficient operation.

Memosens COS81E measures oxygen in applications with high demands to sterility and hygiene such as:

  • Fermentation

  • Drinking water production

  • Inertization

With its international explosion protection approvals, such as ATEX and IECEx, the Memosens COS81E oxygen sensor is suitable for hazardous area use.


  • Memosens COS81E is designed according to EHEDG and ASME BPE. It avoids cross-contamination and is fully compliant to USP class VI and FDA as well as all GMP and GLP requirements.

  • High process up-time: Precalibrate the sensor in your lab and then swap it into your process with plug & play. It does not need polarization time and is immediately ready to measure.

  • Reliable measurement: A built-in reference LED compensates the ageing of the measuring LED. This ensures precise measured values even after CIP/SIP and autoclaving.

  • Reduce your maintenance effort: Memosens COS81E does not have a difficult-to-handle electrolyte or sensitive membrane. Just exchange the sensor cap, perform a calibration and you are done.

  • The sensor can be used in process applications as well as benchtop fermenters. Providing you with 100% measuring consistency from the first lab trials to the final scaled-up process and your process lab.

  • Perfectly suited for inertization processes thanks to its approvals for hazardous and dust-explosive areas.

  • IIoT ready: Memosens 2.0 offers extended storage of calibration and process data, enabling better trend identification and providing a future-proof basis for predictive maintenance and enhanced IIoT services.

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