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CA78 TOC analyzer

Low-range TOC analyzer

Precise online TOC monitoring in power plants and semiconductor production

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Price on request

Specificaţii pe scurt

  • Measuring range

    0.5 to 1 000 μg/l (ppb)

  • Process temperature

    < 50 °C (122 °F)

  • Process pressure

    max. 0.5 bar (7.25 psi)

  • Measuring method

    TOC determination by UV digestion and measurement of the differential conductivity

Domeniu de aplicare

Total organic carbon (TOC) content strongly influences the quality of ultrapure water. A high TOC concentration can cause damage of water purification systems or compromise the required water quality. The CA78 online TOC analyzer provides continuous, accurate TOC monitoring ensuring consistently high quality of the ultrapure water used in your production processes. You gain full control of your product yield and quality.

The CA78 TOC analyzer is perfectly suited to TOC monitoring of ultrapure water in the following industries:

  • Power & Energy

  • Semiconductor production

  • Bodycare

  • Disinfectant production

With the following process conditions:

  • Conductivity: 2 µS/cm (standard), 10 µS/cm (order option)

  • pH range: Neutral


  • Real-time overview of water quality:
    The online TOC analyzer measures continuously with a fast response time (t90) of 50 seconds. This enables you to react immediately to potential water contamination and to protect your product effectively.

  • CA78 uses proven UV oxidation and differential conductivity measurement which is the most-established method for reliable TOC trace analysis in ultrapure water.

  • The analyzer's maintenance-friendly design in combination with our worldwide service network offers you complete support for the measuring point, from commissioning throughout the entire lifespan of the device.

  • Perfect adaption to your process needs:
    Select between the high-precision 2 µS/cm conductivity version and the robust version that tolerates 10 µS/cm. Reduce your investment costs by the optional 3 channel configuration.

Colecție Extended

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FLEX: Extended ©Endress+Hauser
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