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Product picture of LNG bunkering control system DSK1LN

LNG bunkering control system DSK1LN

Real-time monitoring and intuitive operation for efficient LNG bunkering

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Domeniu de aplicare

The control system forms an integral part of our LNG bunkering solution, dedicated to efficiently managing the entire LNG bunkering process. It collects, visualizes, and monitors data, providing a comprehensive view of all operations. The intuitive interface allows for easy and safe operation and provides real-time LNG analysis complete with a library of energy calculations. Customers can select options tailored to their bunkering and fuel needs and download mass and energy reports.

Embedded flow computers ensure accuracy and fiscal integrity by logging a detailed history of bunkering operations, energy analysis, and any errors or aborted processes. A key differentiator is the incorporation of our patented Raman technology, designed for rugged cryogenic applications, enabling real-time LNG composition analysis. This advanced feature sets our solution apart as being the first one in the market capable of such instantaneous composition analysis and energy calculation.


  • Versatile communication support, with wired, wireless, 3G, and 4G connectivity options

  • Comprehensive support for a diverse range of energy and methane number calculations

  • Audit trail feature ensures transparency and traceability of any changes in settings

  • An intuitive 12'' operating panel with an integrated touch screen (HMI) simplifies user interaction and enhances usability

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